Or is it none other than faith,
As one yearns for "over there"
And beckons futures that are quaint?
Resilient so it dies last?
I would dread for it to cease,
Although its torment is vast.
It readies us for more abuse
That's still preferable to bear
Than being hopeless and obtuse.

30 March, 2023 - So great to have seen one of my comedic idols (and father of modern comedy/anticomedy/meta-comedy) in Vicar St.: Tim Heidecker! Highlight of the show was him performing Bob Dylan's song on Lenny Bruce.
no one knows i exist
and people who do
snicker behind my back
i should be unapologetically
weeded out of existence
but then again
it thinks that about some
great artists as well
i know how to do
except for my art
at which i am bad
many more like me
our plight unspoken
heck we mock each other
however being bad
means sometimes being pure
we want love
bad artists are here
to remind us
true freedom exists
and love is free

September 11th, 2022 — Great seeing one of my dark comedic idols today - Doug Stanhope - at the Olympia Theatre in Dublin. One gnarly anti-natalist joke that stuck with me: "child trafficking begins with childbirth". Still on top of his game.
Doug Stanhope taught me that it doesn't matter whether you're a heavy drinker or not as long as you have love in your heart.

Everything Everywhere All at Once... This film went: I won't insult your intelligence by attempting even a little bit to make this fantastical plot believable and convincing; instead, I'll go the other direction - I'll make it dazzlingly wacky, outlandishly creative and left field, so that it'll still be disarming enough for you to let your guard down and receive its strongly emotional and profound core just as well.
It's a demonstration in how suspension of disbelief isn't mandatory, as a film can apparently hit its marks just as efficiently by doing away with rules and focusing on emotion. Some might say it's gone too far in its wackiness and odd humour, but in my mind those devices were meant as a counterweight for the incredibly heavy emotional charge. Kindness being the highest form of kung-fu was certainly a highly moving idea, for me at least.

The new George Carlin documentary (by Judd Apatow) is superb. Finally there's something out there that comes close to conveying just how great the man was, and do justice to his philosophy and the true breadth of his work. I thought I'd seen everything Carlin, but this docu had quite a few pieces of unfamiliar footage.

November 3rd, 2021

June 30th, 2021 - Similarity I've found between a passage from Tarkovsky's Stalker and chapter 76 of Tao Te Ching.

May 26th, 2021 - Doesn't even apply anymore... The market naturally weeded out the "dangerous" artists ('cause they were only dangerous relative to that very market).
Now you have tons of so-called artists, "intellectuals", and "philosophers", who just promote the dominant ideology and act as guardians of the status quo, becoming most prominent.
You know they've betrayed their role the second they use talent and rhetoric in defense of hegemony and of our (wink) 'dominance hierarchies' (who they claim are "predicated on competence", lmao).
And you also know them by how hollow and soulless, if not downright noxious, their works are. It's why the mainstream sucks, whether it's music, movies, games, or shows, they're usually an insult to intelligence, having replaced with the 'profit motive' whatever noble original purpose they could have had, resulting in a perpetually dumbed-down public.

"One drop, plus one drop, makes a bigger drop, not two." - Nostalgia (1983), Tarkovsky's nondualist masterpiece.

The act of creating the world entailed a tremendous karma. The way for that karma to be balanced is for the creator to then live in said world, under the guise of its perishable creatures.

March 4th, 2020 - Great seeing one of the most profound screenwriters alive - Charlie Kaufman - speak at the Dublin International Film Festival.

February 26th, 2020 - Just asked Bill Hicks' brother Steve about Bill's admiration for Terence McKenna, and he answered that Bill dreamed of doing a show with Terence McKenna and Noam Chomsky.

May 27th, 2019 - A quote I love, by Alan Moore.

May 12th, 2019 - I remember watching all five of these films a few years ago and thinking they should be considered unofficially a series, not only for bearing similarities in subject matter but in how they share a common existential search for a sense of transcendence that especially in that era (50s and 60s) seemed harder than ever to comprehend or entertain. And incidentally, there would be no Tarkovsky as we know him without the influence of these five films from four of the greatest master auteurs: Bresson, Dreyer, Bunuel, and Bergman.
I secretly admire naïve people. Oftentimes the basis for naiveté is an enviable openness and purity, a candid acceptance that the Universe could be anything.

March 29th, 2018 - This is what I watch Bergman for, right here.

July 6th, 2017 - The most brilliant, mind-expanding game ever - The Witness (2016). No two ways about it. Jonathan Blow is an enlightened genius.

May 20th, 2017 - "Aliens are so human that, when they meet their star system, they think it is a soul." - Trance McKinley
I'm an it, Imma scare ya.
- Amanita Muscaria

January 20th, 2017 - Cleverbot is clever.

December 26th, 2016 - All these "transhumanists" and folks who rage against death, or are so scared of death that they'll go to any lengths possible to delay it (become health-freaks, take all kinds of supplements, lead a sterile life, avoid harmful activities to an extreme, while turning completely self-involved and selfish of course, because they think the ego is all there is and all their actions are fear-based), and I've yet to see the reasoning on why life is worth prolonging. The dilemma "to be or not to be" hasn't been solved yet, or else all philosophy would be put to rest. The idea that life is preferable to death grows out of a completely biased point of view ('cause we're alive), so it's unknown whether it would be a good idea to extend life indefinitely. Also, there's a very good chance that immortality would inevitably amount to complete existential hell.
Spirals are like an indicator that energy wants to escape this dimension.

October 15th, 2016 - When listening to someone, seek to understand not just what they actually say, but what they MEAN to say. Look for the inception of thoughts.
Rocked to its very core, it fears impending obliteration, and its efforts are those of a flimsy shack trying to hold itself together while a nuclear blast unfolds in the near horizon.
It's in those moments that I feel I understand the nature of life.
It is revealed to me that life is but a glorious sculpture made in love.
Then I look upon my own little life from a far enough vantage point to see that all it ever was is a unique and unrepeatable manifestation of love.
Take a Satsang and make it better.
as an atheist no less.
"Must I know everything?"
Overwhelmed by the intimidating peacefulness
of where existence goes to rest,
by the scary sanctity of the Transcendent Other,
I was betrayed by my Icarian arrogance.
I remember being 6 and turning the house upside down,
finding Santa's gift ahead of time, stashed on top of furniture.
But more than my disappointment, I recall my mom's:
"There, you found out. Happy now?"
I can't just leave Truth well enough alone,
and I taunt it till I'm ravaged.
With disregard for my innocence, I peek behind the curtain,
and can't just live my life as is.
Beneath the skins it wears,
That's crying to take part
In soothing the world's cares.