"Tom Mathews, Close-Up" is a feature-length documentary that I started working on by myself in 2022, and finalised in 2024. I produced, shot, edited. The idea was to create a candid, cinematic portrait of one of Ireland's most beloved cartoonists, multi-layered artist, and one of the last true Dublin bohemians - Tom Mathews - as he reached 70.

The poster for "Tom Mathews, Close-Up".

Premiering at the IndieCork film festival 2024, 12 October, 4 PM, The Arc Cinema, Cork.

The film features a plethora of artists, musicians, cartoonists, journalists, comedians and poets, that enliven the Dublin and Galway art scenes. Among the names: James C. Harrold, Robert Ballagh, Sé Merry Doyle, Hugh Friel, Liam Delaney, Jim Cogan, Dean Patterson, Karl MacDermott, Caoimhe LaVelle, John Moynes, Margaret Nolan and others.
In many ways, it is a film about a world on its way out - that of the bohemian Dublin artist - about an artform on its way out - that of cartooning - about death in general, as well as the death of press.

In memoriam Hughie Friel.
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